Based on a song from Moana – I know your name
You came to this life as an innocent
Ready to take it all in
Then the world came and sat down beside you
Taking your innocence away
In exchange for your soul
You have tried to fill the emptiness inside you
But fulfilment would not come
Not wealth nor substances nor worldly love
Has offered solace to your weary soul
Leaving anger and pain deep inside you
You feel like the answers are hiding
As you try to stand tall alone
But you don’t need the strength of the world
To hold you up each day
For I AM standing right beside you
Ready to show you the way
I have crossed the divide just to find you
I know your name
They have stolen the heart from inside you
But this does not define you
This is not who you are
I know who you are – whispered “Let me show you”